Ordering Information (---This Page Under Construction---)

To order, you may order online by using any of the "add to cart" 
buttons next to any product listed on the site.  Or, if you wish,
call us at (515) 255-3191 or print the following order form, fill
it out, and FAX it to us at (515) 255-3192.
NOTE: To print out this form, you may have to change the "focus"
to this frame (click on it), then use your browser's "Print" 

Contact Information:


CITY:_____________________________ STATE:_______ ZIP:__________


WORK PHONE: (____)____________ HOME PHONE: (____)___________
Item Name:                             Quantity: Price Ea: Total Price:
|                                      |        |          |          |
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                                                  Subtotal: __________
                           (Add 5% Sales Tax if from Iowa): __________
                                               Grand Total: __________

Check One: MasterCard____  Visa____

Name as it appears on Card:________________________________________

Card Number:___________________________ Expiration Date: ___/___